We claim your banking rights

Revolving Cards

You recover the 100% of the overpaid amount (interest, insurance, commissions), in addition the card will be canceled and you will be able to cancel your debt in full if what you have paid more than what you owe (which is usually the norm).


The amount varies depending on each mortgage, but the average amount of money recovered is around 15,000 euros.

Multicurrency Mortgage

The aim is to convert the mortgage into Euros from the moment it was signed. The outstanding debt with the bank will be less and, in addition, the entity will have to return all the amounts paid in excess during the time in which the mortgage installments were calculated and paid in another currency. The average damage to be claimed is around 60,000 Euros. We will carry out a simulation with the exact calculation of the amounts you can claim without any obligation or cost.

Floor clause

Your bank will have to return the amounts overpaid due to this clause from the date on which you signed your mortgage (or novation). The amount to be claimed is around 8,000 euros on average. We will carry out a simulation with the exact calculation of the amounts you can claim without any obligation or cost.

Mortgage Expenses

You can claim all the costs of setting up your mortgage and its novations, if any: 50% of the Notary's bill. 100% of the property appraisal costs. 100% of the Property Registry bill. All the administrative costs for processing the mortgage. In order to recover the amounts paid for Notary, Registry, administrative and appraisal fees, the nullity of the clause requiring their payment must first be declared. The amount to be claimed is on average around 1,800 euros.